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Bharati Vidyapeeth (Deemed to be University)
BVDU's Examination Section
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Courses (Subjects)
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Classrooms / Medical College and Hospital, Pune
Classrooms / Yashwantrao Mohite Institute of Management, Karad
Classrooms / New Law College, Pune
Classrooms / College of Nursing, Sangli
Classrooms / College of Nursing, Navi Mumbai
Classrooms / College of Ayurved, Pune
Classrooms / Y. M. College of Arts, Science and Commerce, Pune
Classrooms / BVIEER, Pune (Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune)
Classrooms / BVIEER, Pune (Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune) / M.Sc. (ESAT)
Classrooms / BVIEER, Pune (Institute of Environment Education and Research, Pune) / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
Classrooms / Centre for Health Management Studies and Research, Pune
Classrooms / Centre for Health Management Studies and Research, Pune / MHA
Classrooms / Centre for Health Management Studies and Research, Pune / PGDHM
Classrooms / College of Nursing, Pune
Classrooms / College of Nursing, Pune / B.Sc. (Nursing)
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development)
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development) / MBA (G)
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development) / MBA (HR)
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development) / MCA
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development) / BBA
Classrooms / IMED, Pune (Institute of Management and Entrepreneurship Development) / BCA
Classrooms / IMRDA, Sangli (Institute of Management and Rural Development Administration)
Classrooms / IMRDA, Sangli (Institute of Management and Rural Development Administration) / MCA
Classrooms / Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune
Classrooms / Poona College of Pharmacy, Pune / B.Pharm.
Classrooms / RGITBT, Pune (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Pune)
Classrooms / RGITBT, Pune (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Pune) / B.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Classrooms / RGITBT, Pune (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Pune) / M.Sc. (Bioinformatics)
Classrooms / RGITBT, Pune (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Pune) / M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Classrooms / RGITBT, Pune (Rajiv Gandhi Institute of IT and Biotechnology, Pune) / M.Sc. (Medical Biotechnology)
Classrooms / BVAKIMSS, Solapur
Classrooms / Social Sciences Center, Pune
Classrooms / Social Sciences Center, Pune / MSW
Classrooms / YCISSSR, Pune (Yashwantrao Chavan Institute of Social Sciences Studies and Research, Pune)
Classrooms / School of Distance Education
Classrooms / School of Distance Education / MCA
Courses (Subjects)
Courses (Subjects) / Law
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 1st Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 2nd Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 3rd Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 4th Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 5th Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Law / LLB / 6th Semester
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved / BAMS
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved / BAMS / 1st Professional Year
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved / BAMS / 2nd Professional Year
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved / BAMS / 3rd Professional Year
Courses (Subjects) / Ayurved / BAMS / 4th Professional Year
Courses (Subjects) / Engineering
Courses (Subjects) / Engineering / M.Tech. (Computer Engineering)
Courses (Subjects) / Environment
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (ESAT)
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (ESAT) / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (ESAT) / Semester - II
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (ESAT) / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (ESAT) / Semester - IV
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics)
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) / Semester - II
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Environment / M.Sc. (Geoinformatics) / Semester - IV
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management / MHA
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management / MHA / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management / MHA / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management / PGDHM
Courses (Subjects) / Health Management / PGDHM / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Computer
Courses (Subjects) / Computer / B.Sc. (Computer Science)
Courses (Subjects) / Computer / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / 1st Year
Courses (Subjects) / Computer / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / 2nd Year
Courses (Subjects) / Computer / B.Sc. (Computer Science) / 3rd Year
Courses (Subjects) / Computer / M.Sc. (Computer Science)
Courses (Subjects) / Nursing
Courses (Subjects) / Nursing / B.Sc. (Nursing)
Courses (Subjects) / Nursing / B.Sc. (Nursing) / Year - I
Courses (Subjects) / Nursing / B.Sc. (Nursing) / Year - II
Courses (Subjects) / Nursing / B.Sc. (Nursing) / Year - III
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm.
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - II
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - IV
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - V
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - VI
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - VII
Courses (Subjects) / Pharmacy / B.Pharm. / Semester - VIII
Courses (Subjects) / Social Work
Courses (Subjects) / Social Work / MSW
Courses (Subjects) / Social Work / MSW / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Social Work / MSW / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Social Work / Ph.D. (Social Work and Sociology)
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - II
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - IV
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - V
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / B.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - VI
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / M.Sc. (Biotechnology)
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / M.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - II
Courses (Subjects) / Biotechnology / M.Sc. (Biotechnology) / Semester - IV
Courses (Subjects) / Bioinformatics
Courses (Subjects) / Bioinformatics / M.Sc. (Bioinformatics)
Courses (Subjects) / Bioinformatics / M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) / Semester - I
Courses (Subjects) / Bioinformatics / M.Sc. (Bioinformatics) / Semester - III
Courses (Subjects) / BVAKIMSS, Solapur
Teacher Training
HSELE / Dental College and Hospital, Pune
HSELE / Dentistry
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course)
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course) / 1st Year
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course) / 2nd Year
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course) / 3rd Year
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course) / 4th Year (Sem 1)
HSELE / Dentistry / BDS (New Course) / 4th Year (Sem 2)
HSELE / Dentistry / MDS
HSELE / Dentistry / Online Quiz
Statistical Support Cell for Researchers
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Health Management
Social Work